There are only few flaws that can easily be overlooked. The small lines of lighting on the lower part of her dress and left hand look out of place. I also find the breasts to be awkwardly held back as if the upper part of the dress was made of metal, i think that you should have made them stick out a little to make it look more natural.
After further analysis, i noticed that her ears were weirdly placed, the left ear is really close to the center on top of her head while the other resides on the right side of it. I would have liked the tip of the tail to be longer and pointier, but this is just a personal thing. There are also a bunch of white lines between the left ear and right curtains, indicating either cobweb or cracks. Clarification was needed or it simply could have been removed, but now i'm just being nitpicky.
Generally, the picture looks gorgeous. I really enjoyed the colorful scenery combined with the pose which was simple yet fitting. One of my favorite things about the picture is her beautiful shaggy hair, i just want to pet it. :D
I hope my criticism was helpful to you
and remember to keep on improving!